Graham McTavish Reflects on His Unique Streak in Fantasy Shows: From ‘The Witcher’ to ‘House of the Dragon’

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By Iron Man

Graham McTavish, known for his roles in “The Witcher” and “House of the Dragon,” finds it peculiar that he repeatedly finds himself cast in fantasy shows. Despite this curiosity, McTavish appreciates the creative latitude and freedom the genre provides, allowing him to ride on horseback, don cloaks, wield swords, and carry candles.

In this article, we delve into McTavish’s perspective on his extraordinary career and his genuine fondness for the fantasy genre that has become his professional niche.

McTavish’s Quest into the World of Fantasy

Graham McTavish Reflects on His Unique Streak in Fantasy Shows: From 'The Witcher' to 'House of the Dragon'

McTavish’s voyage into the realm of fantasy commenced with his portrayal of Dougal MacKenzie in the popular series “Outlander.” This marked the initial step on a path that embraced compelling characters within the genre. From there, McTavish ventured into the roles of Sigmund Dijkstra in “The Witcher” and Ser Harrold Westerling in “House of the Dragon,” further solidifying his prominence in the world of fantasy television.

Embracing the Extraordinary

Graham McTavish Reflects on His Unique Streak in Fantasy Shows: From 'The Witcher' to 'House of the Dragon'

Acknowledging the distinctive nature of his career trajectory, McTavish finds amusement in his recurring casting in fantasy shows. He reflects on the genre’s allure and the creative freedom it affords. The fantastical settings and narratives permit imaginative exploration that sets it apart from other genres. Riding on horseback, donning cloaks, wielding swords, and carrying candles provide an exhilarating departure from the ordinary, adding excitement to McTavish’s acting journey.

McTavish’s Enduring Love for Fantasy

Graham McTavish in Fantasy Movies

As an avid fan of the fantasy genre, Graham McTavish considers himself fortunate to pursue roles that align with his passion. It all began with “The Hobbit,” immersing himself fully in the realm of fantasy and never looking back.

McTavish attributes his continued involvement in the genre to both personal affinity and fortuitous opportunities. Fondly reminiscing about his initial foray into fantasy, he acknowledges its transformative impact on his career trajectory and liberation from conventional roles.

A Fortuitous Odyssey in the Realm of Fantasy

Graham McTavish Reflects on His Unique Streak in Fantasy Shows: From 'The Witcher' to 'House of the Dragon'

Graham McTavish’s career has taken an extraordinary turn, leading him down the captivating path of fantasy television. From “The Witcher” to “House of the Dragon,” his talent and passion have found a perfect home in these imaginative realms.

As McTavish continues embracing the genre that fuels his creativity, audiences can eagerly anticipate his captivating performances and the enchanting worlds he helps bring to life. Through his journey, he reminds us of the power of fantasy to transport us beyond the ordinary, igniting our imaginations and broadening our horizons.