While fans would no doubt love to see Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil, appear in Spider-Man 3 as Peter Parker’s lawyer, it is rather unlikely to happen. Daredevil was last featured in his own series on Netflix, played by Charlie Cox, which was cancelled after three seasons in November 2018, as the Marvel-Netflix deal started to fall apart.
While starting with the promise of being part of the main Marvel Cinematic Universe continuity, the Marvel Netflix shows never really delivered on it. This manifested mostly as vague references to events like the Battle of New York from The Avengers, but otherwise they largely took place in their own corner of New York. The MCU movies also never used or even referenced the Netflix series, leaving them as a weird MCU off-shoot like Agents of SHIELD.
The final nail in the coffin came when Netflix cancelled all of its Marvel shows, seemingly ending those versions of the characters. However, recent rumors have pointed to that changing, with talk of Daredevil appearing in Spider-Man 3 as Peter Parker’s lawyer. While this is currently highly speculative, there are reasons it makes sense, drawing both on the most recent Spider-Man movie and the comic history of the characters. It isn’t impossible to pull off either, though fans shouldn’t get their hopes up just yet.