“It looks so stunning on film, but every time I see it, I’m like, ‘That’s a Best Buy parking lot,’” Natalie Portman said of her favorite scene.
With almost 30 movies and many TV episodes added to its repertoire, Disney’s Marvel Studios has become a finely tuned machine. As it keeps on producing films at a lively speed, the organization has become known for utilizing film sorcery to gather scenes that appear to be exceptionally unique based on what was really shot. For instance, Elizabeth Olsen and John Krasinski showed up together in a fan-most loved scene in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.” Yet, Olsen later uncovered that she never really met Krasinski.
Apparently, a similar sort of craftiness went into making “Thor: Love and Thunder.” In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Natalie Portman uncovered that one of her favorite scenes in the film was shot in the unlikeliest of spots.

“There’s one scene that’s one of the most visually beautiful scenes I’ve seen on film, and we shot [it] in real life in a Best Buy parking lot,” Portman said. “It’s so wild to be on this size of the movie, and we were literally in a parking lot with a blue screen, doing this really dramatic thing. It looks so stunning on film, but every time I see it, I’m like, ‘That’s a Best Buy parking lot.’”
Portman didn’t specify which scene she was alluding to, leaving it up to fans to estimate which scene most intently looks like a Best Buy parking garage. While she noticed that it’s the most gorgeous scene in the film, that doesn’t be guaranteed to mean it was the most lovely scene they shot. In a recent interview with IndieWire, Portman talked about her affection for some scenes that were at last cut from the film.
“There were whole sequences, planets, characters, and worlds that didn’t end up in the movie that were hilarious and amazing and [that] we spent a lot of time and energy on, and certainly the entire crew also designing and conceiving,” Portman said. “It’s just amazing how much great material is not in the film, considering how much great material is in it. Usually, it’s like, you’re just trying to get enough good stuff to put in the film, and this had overflowed. So that was really surprising.”