Robert Downey Junior And His Wife Supporting Each Other | RDJs Journey From An Addict To An Avenger

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By FilMonger

One of Hollywood’s most attractive couples is Robert Downey Jr. and Susan Levin (now Downey), who have been married for more than ten years. But their love story isn’t a typical one.

Susan really met the actor when he was at one of his lowest times, just after he had just completed a court-ordered recovery program for an addiction that frequently made headlines, close to a year in jail.

Robert may have permanently lost his acting career, but in 2002 he bargained his way into a role in the thriller Gothika by agreeing to receive the majority of his pay after the filming was finished. His life would be significantly altered by the event.

Not only did Robert meet his future wife, but she also had the unintended consequence of upending his entire world—for the better. The couple was married in August 2005 after two years of engagement.

Susan Levin and Robert Downey Jr. initially met in 2003. Not exactly love at first sight, either. In actuality, far from it.

When Susan was asked in 2009 if she had been attracted to her husband right away, she laughed and said, “Not even a tiny bit. I mainly recall thinking about how odd he was when I first met him.

Their bond was so strong that it provided Robert the final push he required to make a permanent transformation. He apparently threw the narcotics he had left into the water in July 2003 and pledged never to use them again.

I think he saw what we had,” Susan said, attributing this to the strength of pure love. There was a mysterious quality there that we were unable to identify.

Robert acknowledged, “The old phrase is true – there is an amazing lady behind every good man,” in 2010. I owe Susan a major portion, if not the entirety, of my accomplishment. We work well together.

Everyone may learn from Robert and Susan that respect and admiration must be shared in order for a relationship to be successful.