Skrulls Have Been Snuck into Disneyland’s Parks, and it’s a Fantastic Secret Invasion tie-in

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By Aquaman

MCU fans believe they have discovered Skrulls in plain sight as the identity-driven drama of the Disney+ short series Secret Invasion unfolds.

New things are always being added to Disneyland, and for some who saw a preview of Rogers: The Musical, the newest attraction appears to have come with an additional MCU surprise. Turns out that Disneyland has been smuggling the alien race into its amusement parks as part of a fantastic tie-in with the limited series event starring Samuel L. Jackson.

D23 announced the thrilling news since they have video of this extraterrestrial contact to show the globe.

The Continuous Adventures Have Much in Store

This appears to have the potential to be a more fascinating development than our own Dirk Libbey’s astonishment that Rogers: the Musical is surprisingly effective in its real presentation. The Hawkeye inside joke has evolved into a real-life, one-time engagement at the Hyperion Theater after taking inspiration from another Disney+ membership holder favorite on streaming.

Which raises the question: Will the Skrulls’ range of looks be that constrained? The home culture of Talos and his intergalactic refugees, who were originally introduced to the MCU through 2019’s Captain Marvel, undoubtedly has a lot of job options. Is there any reason to believe that the Skrulls will return to the Disney Vault once Rogers’ brief reign concludes? We’ll see.

Skrulls have been snuck into Disneyland's parks, and it's a fantastic secret invasion tie-in

It could depend on what transpires in the next episodes of Secret Invasion and how they build up Avengers: Secret Wars and the other films on the Marvel movie schedule. If the course of events leads to even greater discontent and opposition, one may see Skrulls being under a closer surveillance surrounding the Avengers’ Campus.

On Star Tours: The Adventures Continue, however, spying by the Rebellion has been reported for some time. So perhaps adding a Skrull-spotting game of some type to the park might be a side activity that fans enjoy and keep the Marvel Cinematic Universe tale in their thoughts.

For the time being, a Skrull may aid Disneyland’s visitors by cleaning up, and it can also entertain those waiting to have a chance to see Rogers: The Musical. Don’t wait to try to get a seat for this star-studded song and dance, which is presently playing at Disney California Adventure’s Hyperion Theater.

The series will end on August 31st, little over a month after the premiere of the Secret Invasion conclusion on July 26th. Visitors visiting Disneyland may want to keep their eyes and ears alert in the meanwhile. Who knows if or when you’ll come face to face with a Skrull that’s out and about in the parks?