Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse Release Date and More Info

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By Scarlet Witch

Sony Pictures Spiderman’s animated series has been a hit, and the third installment of the series is much-awaited. The second part of the series Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse was recently released and worked super well at the box office. The movie ends on a massive cliffhanger, and now fans are dying to know what happens next.

The third part Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse will probably be delayed as the studio and producer Amy Pascal have mentioned before. And recently producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller have also commented now and cleared if the third installment of the series will be delayed or not.

“I would say that just like we’re going to take the time necessary to make Beyond the Spider-Verse great,” Lord said before Miller concluded their answer. “And we won’t back into a release date that doesn’t fit.”

Delay of the Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse 

Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse

The reason for the delay is said that the artist who is working on the movie claims that there is no way that the third installment of the series Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse will be releasing any time soon definitely not March 2024.

“They’ve announced that Beyond the Spider-Verse will be released in March of next year. I’ve seen people say, ‘Oh, they probably worked on it at the same time.’ There’s no way that movie’s coming out then. There’s been progress on the pre-production side of things. But as far as the production side goes, the only progress that’s been made on the third one is any exploration or tests that were done before the movie was split into two parts”. 

Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse

The artist adds “Everyone’s been fully focused on Across the Spider-Verse and barely crossing the finish line. And now it’s like, Oh, yeah, now we have to do the other one.”