Wolverine stunt goes wrong: Hugh Jackman ‘nearly broke his neck’ on set

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By FilMonger

HUGH Jackman has revealed he is cutting back on his movie stunts after a terrifying accident on the set of his new superhero blockbuster The Wolverine.

The Aussie star feared he had broken his neck during a daring scene in which his character swings out of a train carriage.

Jackman’s injuries weren’t severe, but the incident was enough to scare his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, who made him reassess the amount of dangerous work he does on set in future.

“In the film, there’s a scene where I swing from inside to outside a train and my neck got caught. I thought I had broken it.

“It was one of those moments when my wife looked at me and said, ‘What are you doing? Enough playing in the schoolyard! You are not invincible!”

Jackman says he is now smarter about using a stunt double.

The 44-year-old hunk also revealed in a recent interview with GQ magazine that his famous Adamantium claws are just as dangerous in real life as they appear on screen.

“They’ve cut deep more than once. And not just me”, he said of Wolverine’s weaponry.