Emilia Clarke and Ben Mendelsohn interview has us all in smiles

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By Batman

Emilia Clarke, Ben Mendelsohn, Samuel L Jackson and other prominent actors have come together to star in Marvel’s latest tv series Secret Invasion where Clarke will be playing a leading character in a tv show for the second time and be the 11th actor from the Game of Thrones universe to join the MCU.

She plays the adult version of G’iah, the shapeshifting daughter of the skrull Talos who we saw prominently featured in Captain Marvel befriending Carol Danvers and Nick Fury and it is this friendship and a rogue band of Skrulls attempting to take over the Earth that the show will explore.

Emilia Clarke and Ben Mendelsohn

However, it is all lighthearted behind the scenes as we find Clarke being interviewed about her character on Game of Thrones, Khaleesi. Emilia Clarke never let her fans down when it comes to interesting interview conversations, she always shares some funny story that make her fans lover even more. In it, Clarke leaves Mendelsohn in stitches after finding out the real reason behind Khaleesi’s “posture” on the show to which she answered, “I was a terrified 22 year old, my mum told me to sit up straight so I did!”

The actor has a history of giving memorable and comical interviews and this one is no exception. It is this starlike quality that Clarke brings to whatever she does and I have no doubt that Secret Invasion will be the same.

The series pilot has already been released and this spy take on the MCU is not one that is done often but so far the show seems to balance the thriller, action and fantasy aspects of the show well while bringing together actors of the same remarkable caliber as Clarke.